
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Those must be attentive who are wandering from door to door

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

 Respected Hakeem Sahib Asslam O alikum:  I am reading the ubqari magazine from last 8 years. Some of the cautions and remedies and health giving things I am going to gift the readers of ubqari. I am hopeful that readers will be benefited with it.  We have prepared the package in the light of “Tib E Nabwi ﷺ “. There is no surety of health in other medicines but there is the surety of health in Nabwi ﷺ remedies.  We are sure to have health through these remedies. Undoubtedly we can avoid the heart diseases by following this package.  It is here for readers:

Tib e Nabwi shifa pakage for heart diseases:

Heart diseases are having become a trouble for us. We see towards the foreign for the treatment of these diseases, but Allah Almighty in His book and the most venerated Holy Prophet ﷺ has taught the way out of these problems. We increase our problems when we leave the straight path and wander here and there. Before going to the advice of Holy prophet ﷺ as caution of heart attack we describe the condition of patient, who suffered the heat attack, but the good luck is that he got the doctor like Holy Prophet ﷺ. History is the proof that Holy Prophet ﷺ is the pioneer in detection and treatment of heart attack. His ﷺ patient recovered in such a way that he travelled on horse for almost one and a half lack miles after the treatment, and he  was the part of many battles. And our patient cannot go up stairs. Hazrat Saad bin Abi waqas رضی اللہ عنہ was one of the greatest companions of Rasool Allah ﷺ who was given the paradise in his life. He was the uncle of Holy Prophet ﷺ. He use to be in the battle firmly and courage. He رضی اللہ عنہ  fell ill one day, he told his story: “I fell ill and Holy Prophet ﷺ came to see me, he placed His ﷺ hand between my shoulders, and its coolness spread in my whole chest, and He ﷺ said he is suffering from the heart attack, take him to Haris bin kalda, who is a quack, and he must grind  seven seeds of Ajwa dates and give it to patient. (Abu Daoud, Masnad Bin Ahmed, Alhasan bin Sufyan) (1.give patient the 7 Ajwa with seeds after grinding and if ajwa is not available then you can give other dates’ seeds as well, but try to get Ajwa from Madina. 2. If you cook the barley porridge in milk and add the honey to add the sweetness it is called the Talbeena.

Hazrat Aiysha   رضی اللہ عنھا says that she heart from the Holy Prophet ﷺ that for the patient of heart the Talbeena is the remedy of all the problems of heart. (Bukhari and Muslim)

It is  told by Hazrat Ayesha رضی اللہ عنھاthat if there a person use to fell ill in house then the cooking pan was put on the burner after the order of Holy Prophet ﷺ until the disease finishes either the patient get health or dies. (Ibn e Majja Alhakam)

When Holy Prophet ﷺ was told there a person is suffering from the abdominal problem. And he cannot eat the food as well. Then He ﷺ use to say that you have the beneficial talbeena, give it to him to eat, I say it by Who is the owner of my life, it washes and cleans the abdomen in such a way as the water washes the dirt from the face. (Ahmed)  Ibn e Alqaiyam, رضی اللہ عنہ tells in the light of hadiths of Holy Prophet ﷺ that it is the complete medicine for every type of heart disease. (Bukhari and Muslim)


3) Quince

In the holy hand of Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم once was this very much fruit. this incident has been narrated by hazrat Talha رضی اللہ عنہ in such way  that while handing it  over to me the                prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said this fruit removes heart ache *(heart attack)

On this issue Hazrat abu zar ghafari رضی اللہ عنہ has also narrated more details. He also saw Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم bouncing the quince and asked; do you know what it is? It strengthens the heart; makes breathing more perfumed and takes the load off inside the heart.

We give heart patients tablets of Inderal for getting the loads off and comparatively tastier also and help the muscles of heart and takes off the load and congestion of heart.

Prophetصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم gave much good news about heart attack and congestion of heart. Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah RA narrated that Prophet PBUH said Eat quince as it removes pains of heart and removes heart congestion (ibn e Alsani, Abu Naeem)

On this issue forcing news is by Hazrat Ans Bin malik رضی اللہ عنہ that Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said "Quince eating takes the burden off the heart"

Some specialists have translated (بطخاء القلب) as pericarditis that means when there is swelling of skin of heart and there is water in it then it will be benefited by it.

Many incidences narrate that He had mentioned that quince should be eaten early in morning. His words were (کلو السفر جل علی الریق) Hazrat Aouf bin Malik رضی اللہ عنہ narrated that eat quince as it finishes heart attack and makes heart strong.

4) Honey and patient of bypass:

In diseases of heart a very severe and complicated disease is by pass of heart operation, if such patients use honey they can be healthy. Many patients when moved towards honey without operation then amazingly they adopted the road too health. As honey has such ingredients which bring regulates the blood. The reason for abundance in heart diseases is actually due to distance from honey. If patients of heart use honey then they will stay away from expensive and rare medicines. And for that dissolve honey in warm water and have early in morning.

5) Paste of honey and sugar:

In morning in breakfast usage of bread or chapatti, instead of eating jelly or jam , should be taken with honey and paste of cinnamon as it reduces  cholesterol in your veins and patient is saved from the pain in heart. Those patients who have had heart attack and if they use this prescription regularly then they are taken miles away from their next heart attack. By doing regularly usage of this breakfast their breathing is regularized and the heart beat is strengthened.

As we know in old age, in valves in veins the elasticity is finished and obstruction is produced. In America and Canada the elderly people have been successfully treated with honey and cinnamon which has reutilized the veins and arteries and made them healthy.

Wonders of honey

6) Tasty sauce:

If there is any disease of heart even so that if three valves have been opened, still it brings cholesterol on normal level. Reduces fat, pains in joints or in body, allergy, mucus, the blockage of chest, the concentration of blood and benefits both low and high blood pressure. Diabetic patients, who feel restlessness in their legs, pain in legs, pain in body, weakness and for tension it is very much useful. Urea keratin, kidneys failure all such diseases, as a matter of fact the patient of dialysis were cured.

 The flow from ears, the blocking of periods or or their pain in special days. . Lakoria? Pain in heels, body pain in joints, gassy stomach, for diseases of liver and spleen diseases it is very beneficial.


ھو الشافی : Ginger, dry seeds of pomegranate, mint take them and make a sauce out of it, don’t put spices in them. If you are not hot tempered then you can also put garlic in it. Have one and half spoon three to five times a day with or without food. *(monthly Ubqari)

My respected father got heart attack three times. We started to get treatment from a renowned d doctor of city of Mianwali but to no avail. When the doctor went to abroad then we went to a competent physician’s specialist of Mianwali hospital then he suggested that when you come next time then have ECG and x-ray done. Next time I could not go to doctor so young brother took father to renowned doctor then the doctor was very angry that you said he was a patient of heart then why did you go for ECG. I got father treated on this package only couple of times and due to that the doctor refused to recognize patient.

I was talking to one of my friend named Doctor Muhammad Asif on telephone and started to talk about these prescriptions. He got doctors who came from city of Charsada and they were to deal with bypass of heart of an acquaintance. When the above suggested prescriptions were used then even he was refused to be recognized by doctors.         WaSlam


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